Do You Have Cyberspace Addiction? Does It Affect Your Life At Home And In School? How And Why?

Do you have cyberspace addiction? Does it affect your life at home and in school? How and why?

I do have cyberspace addiction, i always in front of my computer. After the school, I will sit and turn on my computer for 8 hours straight. If there is an assignment i will do it first, to be honest. This addiction did not get me in trouble nor to sicknes, instead it actually helps me to be more productive in school. In our generation, where gadgets has sprout it helps one student to have an easy and organize research. I do have cyberspace addiction, but it did not affect my family and my life. Gadgets helps us to improve our lifestyle by just doing a simple research :)


I do have cyberspace addiction but it did not let me forget to do my homework first, to eat, to drink, to love my self, to love my family. etc


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